Food Bank Donations

In our reception area you will now find the following:

Food Bank Donations Box

In March 2020 Croydon Voluntary Action responded to the COVID-19 crisis and people facing food poverty by becoming a collection point for donations and the re-distribution of food and essentials to vulnerable people in the community experiencing food poverty and/or having to self-isolate. Working in partnership throughout the pandemic, CVA has coordinated emergency supplies for a growing number of Foodbanks, Soup Kitchens, community groups and faith organisations all of which continues to this day.

Auckland Surgery is proud to be a part of this initiative.

Some of the best items to donate are:

  • Peanut butter
  • Canned soup, stew, meat, fish, vegetables, and fruits
  • Canned or dried beans, lentils, chickpeas, and other pulses
  • Pasta, rice, cereals, and other grains (preferably whole grain)
  • Canned tomatoes or pasta sauce
  • Tea, and coffee
  • Liquid soap

Thank you for your help.